vim supports a lot of things by default! pe sprinkles on filetype detection autocommands and minimal extensions to facilitate an efficient development experience. including parinfer for easy scheming.
this new distribution is designed to be just as minimal as previous versions,
but modular enough to accomodate the differences between my home and work
environments. my plugin choices are still based on the same old "no system deps"
criteria that guided the previous version. v2.0 doesn't do the extra opt
for maximum efficiency, but I haven't noticed any performance issues so far. the
config is still quite small all things considered.
this config leans heavily on ALE make sure you read the manual carefully. most of the config is automatic and should "just work", but reading about how it works is going to help you a lot.
INSTALL typically used together with tmux ^^
scripts long enough to copyright are chaotic software, for everything else there's a nix annotation.
:set keymap=bqn " is your friend