vim supports a lot of things by default! pe sprinkles on filetype detection autocommands and minimal extensions to facilitate an efficient development experience. including parinfer for easy scheming.
filetype-specific plugins are loaded and configured using ftplugin
files and
elm ⋄ bqn ⋄ vue ⋄ js ⋄ ts ⋄ rc ⋄ json ⋄ scheme ⋄ lisp ⋄ gmi ⋄ tal ⋄ ish ⋄ tbtl ⋄ svelte ⋄ scad ⋄ forth
both work with what's in your $PATH
. make sure that's in order before use.
typically used together with tmux ^^
mkdir ~/.vim && cd ~/.vim
fossil open
[sudo] python3 -m pip install isort[requirements,pipfile]
[sudo] apk add py3-isort
# cat together any inputrc files you like
find pack -iname inputrc
if you have vim open somewhere you can :so ~/.vim/vimrc
to load the new config
or restart your computer.
cd ~/.vim && fossil pull
TODO leave some notes on how to enable ALE features for the supported environments.
" expand the hint
" is your friend
:set keymap=bqn
nvim interop
install as usual and drop this snippet into your nvim config!
-- ~/.config/nvim/init.lua
vim.cmd('set runtimepath^=~/.vim runtimepath+=~/.vim/after')
vim.o.packpath = vim.o.runtimepath
vim.cmd('source ~/.vim/vimrc')
check pack/pe
for third party
scripts and their license terms (bsd/mit/public domain). pe/vim
scripts long
enough to copyright are chaotic software