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vim supports a lot of things by default! pe sprinkles on filetype detection autocommands and minimal extensions to facilitate an efficient development experience. including parinfer for easy scheming.

typically used together with tmux ^^

install / update

the latest version of pe-vim is built around nix! or else!

# flake.nix
{ = ""; }

# home.nix
  modules = [ ]; = true;

home-manager switch to install, nix flake update pe-vim to update.


TODO leave some notes on how to enable ALE features for the supported environments.

" expand the hint
" is your friend
:set keymap=bqn

allow unfree

if you find yourself needing to burn unholy amounts of energy for advanced autocomplete:

# home.nix
  nixpkgs.config.allowUnfreePredicate = pkg:
    builtins.elem (pkgs.lib.getName pkg) [
    ]; = true;


pe/vim scripts long enough to copyright are chaotic software, for everything else there's a nix annotation.